³ġÈŭÓ˘Óï£şHow to achieve my dream ĦĦĦĦ ĦĦĦĦ³ġÈŭÓ˘Óï×÷ÎÄ£şHow to achieve my dream ĦĦĦĦ ĦĦĦĦ ĦĦĦĦEvery one has your own dreams. but how to achieve your dreams.Most people pursue and realize their dreams with a positive mind. Some people will always have their own new dreams. when they face setbacks. they will give up. There is a famous saying Ħ°if winter comes, can spring be far behind?Ħħ This sentence tells us:experienced difficulties, the rest is happiness.My dream is to be a disigner. so what should I do? My teacher once said to me Ħ°You should always work hard for your dreams, only then will you have a chance of achieving your dream.ĦħFrom now on, I will try my best to achieve my dreamI hope all of your dreams will come true. ĦĦĦĦ ĦĦĦĦ ĦĦĦĦ